~~This Time It's Different by Evans Blue~~

Language Barriers?

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

~~What Means Anything~~

The longer time I spend
Thinking about whether or not
I can feel
Is the longer I spend numb
I should just accept
I'm not as hurt
As I say I am
I'm not ever breaking
I'm just hitting a rough patch
I should have admitted this long before
My friends have pointed it out
And said to me
How I am better off than them
I seem to have it all
Amazing friends and people
Who care so much about me
A writing skill
That's admirable
And I'm also gifted
With beauty
I never see
I'm not the one they think I am
I'm not the amazing
Beautiful angel
Who never fails
To make them smile
Even in her worst days
But am I the horrific person
I believe myself to be?
Am I really bad?
Am I really hurt?
Or am I just
Saying this
So I can get attention?
So I can be remembered….
But I won't be forgotten
My name and story
Are scattered everywhere
Across the interwebz
It's impossible for me to be ignored
I am living
In the midst of glory
Known and cared about
By so many
This is not the kind of life
I ever pictured myself leading
So I guess that's why
It's so hard for me
To accept the beauty
Inside of me
When I was raised
Bullied and hurt
And taught that I didn't matter
Now that I mean something….
How do I know what means

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