~~This Time It's Different by Evans Blue~~

Language Barriers?

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

~~Oddly Amused and Annoyed: Life Post~~


I have news.

1. THE GSA IS MOST LIKELY CLOSED!!!!!!! *Insert FLIPPIN HUGE stream of swears here*
2. Our dryer is broken
3. People are FAILING a lunch class
4. I have handed in all assignments--something they failed to do; I have a 98.8% average--people have less than fifty; I got a 103.3% mark on an open book test which they failed....

Okay guys.....Here's a better overview.

1. The GSA is closed because of some form of teacher issue. Now, teachers are no longer allowed to work on lunch breaks and email outside of school. Also, they can no longer do extracurriculars, so I'm pretty sure sports are closing down as well. And they also can't help with homework during any time but class time. WHAT TEH HELL DO WE DO?

2. I don't know what's wrong with it but it's making a noise....But of course, we've lived here for around eight years....


4. Probably WHY they're failing the lunch class.

Okay, so yes.

Today was incredibly odd. It was a pretty good day--and I'm done my homework right now.





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