~~This Time It's Different by Evans Blue~~

Language Barriers?

Saturday, August 11, 2012

~~In Memoriam of Angel Fuck: A Memories Post~~

Mi dispaice. Mi dispaice il mio maestro.

How fitting, is it not, to begin the post in the same language and words I had attempted to tell him goodbye with?

I'm sorry. I'm sorry my Master.

I'm sorry!

I'm sorry....

I remember so much....

I can't get the first time we were together out of my head....

We started talking, and it didn't take him long to tell me I was adorable. He petted me, and when I tried to bite his hand he stopped and asked if he couldn't pet me. I told him he could pet me, but only if he told me where. He replied with nowhere dirty, because he only dirty pets with permission.

I....I gave him permission.

We sat down on the couch together. I was tired, so I leaned up against his side. He let me, but he didn't put an arm around me. Not yet...

I put my head in his lap, and...and things went from there.

I loved him...

And I still do.

He told me so many things...

Held me when I cried..

And he was so good to me....



Forgive me.

Please forgive me, even though I deserve your forgiveness not....

I miss you so!

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