~~This Time It's Different by Evans Blue~~

Language Barriers?

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

~~I Didn't Expect It To Hurt....:Life Post~~

I didn't expect this to hurt so goddamn bad....I mean I knew they'd only used me for my body but, until last night it didn't hit, you know? I....I didn't think I'd care. I didn't think I'd find myself lying in bed crying my ass off...

Last night I was talking with some guy I know, someone I used to cam with. I considered him a friend--well at least he was one of the few guys who spoke to me, so...I had to consider him something. and I....I didn't expect the truth.

He's had a girlfriend this entire time....So much more beautiful than me, someone he loved so damn much...

What the hell?

Where did I fit into this?

Was I nothing to him?

I was nothing to him....

I was just a whore who's price was sympathy and patience....

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