~~This Time It's Different by Evans Blue~~

Language Barriers?

Friday, July 27, 2012

~~What to Say?--Life Post~~

I'm doing alright. Got back from Toronto with my boyfriend, Andrew B, my mom, and my dearest brother--who is now sick. Hopefully it's just a one day thing though, and he seems to be better. He stopped throwing up sometime late last night.

God, Toronto was amazing. Swimming, shopping, the Leviathan, and best of all....Not home and no outside contact. So I spent my time with friends and people I cared about, but now I'm glad to just be home.

God my loves.....I'm almost abandoning you it seems. It's not easy for me to write these days--so very busy. I really hope that this isn't signalling the end of Crooked Musings--especially with these Russians reading my blog so very much! I love you guys!!!!!

Anywho, right now I'm...coasting. I just started playing Minecraft, so if you guys have it.....ADD ME AND HELP! I'm pretty much doomed. Not good at surviving yet.

So guys, I really ought to go.

I love you.


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