~~This Time It's Different by Evans Blue~~

Language Barriers?

Sunday, March 11, 2012

~~The Blade~~ (Old One)

The blade
Whispers in my ear
The call
So sweet, so gentle
Offering escape
“He hurt you, little angel…
“Now it’s time to hurt yourself”
I try to ignore it
Try to force it away
But it’s calling to me
Escape….Something I need
I need to escape, to flee, to run
But the escape it offers is a permanent one
Have I been driven to the edge?
Is this the end?
Will tonight my life
Pour onto the tile floor?
Who knows what the future brings?
The blade calls
Tells me,
“Little angel, come to me…..”
I try to ignore it
I try to fight it
But I can’t deny it
Tonight I fall
The final distance

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