~~This Time It's Different by Evans Blue~~

Language Barriers?

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Poetry Assortment V. 1

My Beautiful Black Rose
How do I still care?
You hate me now.
Why can't I get you
Out of my mind?
Emily, sweetheart
Do you still remember
Me, your red-winged angel
Who tried and failed to save you?
Or have I slipped your mind
Like you should have slipped mine?
It's been months since
We said our goodbyes
It's been a long time since
Either of us were happy
I regret so much
But most of all
I regret
Leaving you
My beautiful
Black Rose

False Lover
Can't you see my lies? 
Don't you know what I am?
Don't you see every scar
Upon my smooth soft skin?
But yet you're still
Addicted to me
You fool, bloody fool
This isn't right
This isn't smart
Ah love, I'm only using you
And everything
But hey if you wanna play
I'll definitely let you in
I'll just sit here waiting
Until the day
That I

What Am I?
I used to be so good
Loved so much it hurt
Never turned away
But now I'm so cold
So empty inside
Using everyone I can
Using everyone who loves me
Breaking every heart
That I should keep safe and treasure
Never trusting anyone
Never letting anyone in
Always pretending
No regrets and no doubts
What's wrong is right
What's right is wrong
My twisted logic justifies
All the games I play
What have I become?

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