~~This Time It's Different by Evans Blue~~

Language Barriers?

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Mistress of this Game

He owned her
And she owned him
But she owned another
And was owned by the other as well
And yet another laid claim to her
And another, and another
She owned them all
And claimed to love them back
But oh if they only knew!
About the others

About her disloyalty

How the girl would sneer
If her toys realized the game
How the girl would snicker
As her toys tried to leave
How the girl would roar with laughter
As her toys broke inside
They owned her
Each one thinking they were the only one
But she owned them all
How long will she continue
This game of hearts?
How long can she go on
Empty like this?
How long will she play them
Until they realize her tricks?
They owned her
(At least they thought they did)
And she owned them all
And that fact was always hid
A dark bitter secret
A tempestuous smile
A teasing grin
A soft touch
A tender kiss
She plays the game
She isn't a toy
No, she's the Mistress
The Mistress of this Game.

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