~~This Time It's Different by Evans Blue~~

Language Barriers?

Monday, January 16, 2012

On the Road--Life Post

So how are you doing? I hope all of my readers out there have been doing well......

Your young blogger has been eventful as always. I am very happily single and I intend to remain single. Unless there's someone in real life with intentions to make me theirs, I am remaining single.

But whatever happened to Shade/William and the crowd of other boys and girls online? Nothing. Blocked one, and the others are sticking around. I can deal with them. I'll just need to try and be careful....

Which, as all of you know, isn't precisely my strong suit. But either way I do believe I am fine. I'm going to move on with my life and try to forget about the ones who love me online and focus on the friendships. Of which I have many.

Right now dear readers I am still dead inside. Right now dear readers I am still doing things I know I shouldn't do. But right now I know I am on the road to recovery, bit by bit, but I am getting there.

I will be okay loves.

I will be okay.

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