~~This Time It's Different by Evans Blue~~

Language Barriers?

Monday, January 16, 2012


Listen, try and believe this wild story that I weave
Settle down and pay attention to every word I say
I know I have given you great cause to grieve
But today is the day that you make me pay
I am a fool, someone who plays
With her toys, their hearts, their souls
I don't care what anyone else says
With my eyes I leave many wholes
Foolish love and playful games
Easily winning them over--now to cause trouble and pain
Of course I act like this shames
But then I simply go and do it again
Fools don't love me! Back away already
Don't you see what I am?
Don't you dare fall for me.....
Every word I speak is a sham.
Every kiss. Every action. Every little thing
I'm a liar and that's all I can be
And this addictive siren song that I sing?
You adore how it causes you agony
Might I ask which one of us is the bigger fool?
Is it the one playing and breaking hearts?
Or is it the one who breaks the biggest rule
And lets themselves be hit with my poison darts?

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