~~This Time It's Different by Evans Blue~~

Language Barriers?

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Haven't Eaten All Day--Life Post

Well..................................................What do I say to you right now? The title says quite a bit actually. I'm beyond starving, and even though I spent three hours making chocolates I didn't get much to eat. -_-' It's a Christmas tradition of the Wong Clan.We make around three hundred chocolates and give them away to family, neighbors, teachers, and colleagues. So we can't eat any of them. :( And one of the flavors we made was rum and chocolate......And holy cow that's good! Yes. I nibbled while I was making them. Deal with it.

Anywho....Wolf and me got into a fight.....Why? Because I'm loved........I slow danced with a girl named Helena at the dance last night. And he also knows about Stephanie.....Who is blocked and deleted on both chatango and Facebook don't give me that look! I don't want her to be hurt and I can't be hurt anymore. The really angry 'Oi......' post I made a few days ago? That was about Stephanie. So...Yeah.........Wolf wasn't pleased with me.


I'm going to be maid of honor..........


It's only online but OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!

I'm now talking to Spice, who Simon is marrying--YES MAD HATTER AND SPICE ARE TOGETHER AFTER ALL--and both Spice and I agree that we need to get better acquainted with each other. As we are going to be in-laws one day.....

Omg this is beyond amazing...


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