~~This Time It's Different by Evans Blue~~

Language Barriers?

Sunday, November 13, 2011

I Will Be Back--Life Post

Bye. I will be back to posting on this eventually. I just want to be left alone for a few days.


Emily's dead. My Emmy took her own life.

Here's the story.

Anna Shadowlight, my other personality, messaged Emmy and talked to her for a while about Emmy and me. Things seemed to be okay. Anna was helping her understand what was going on, and that even though we were both afraid and both damaged Emily and I would be able to work out.

But....Then Anna said something. She said that she wanted me back. She said she wanted me laughing again. Happy again. Not hurting anymore.

And...that maybe Anna couldn't get me happy again if Emily was here.

Emmy listened. And now she's gone. Forever.

I know it was her choice to make and that there were other factors, but I still feel like it was me in the end.

I'm sorry.

Emily, I'm sorry.

I'll be back.

Goodbye guys.

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