~~This Time It's Different by Evans Blue~~

Language Barriers?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I Love You Heart and Soul--ACROSTIC

I wish I could remember the day we met

Lotta time has passed since then
On the site we met we no longer talk; now I
Vie for your attention somewhere else
Eternally wishing you could be mine again

Yet it's okay that I won't get you back
On my darkest nights, though, I dream of you
Unending love fills me heart and soul

How we got here I forget
Easily the memories slip from my grasp
And I wish I could hold onto them
Really, though, it hurts to remember the best
Together forever; can we still say that?

Although you're no longer mine
Nevertheless I am yours
Death won't stop me from loving you

So hold me tight, please
On this night tell me you're mine
Usher in a time of happiness; and
Love, even if you don't, we're still okay.

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