~~This Time It's Different by Evans Blue~~

Language Barriers?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Supreme Silence

It chills me
Fills me
Makes me
Takes me and breaks me
Silently I'm scream
But I'm caught in this recurring bad dream
Can you hear me?
Why won't anyone save me?
I'm shaking
I'm shuddering
I'm shattering
I'm mute
I'm dragged down to hell on an all-new route
I'm almost dead
Blood's pouring red
From my body
Please, somebody, anybody
Save me!
Fix me!
I'm trapped upon my knees
Help me to stand!
Tell me you understand
Hold me tight
Give me a reason to fight
But I know my screams no one hears
I know no one can see my tears
I know I'm alone
I know I'm alone
I'm trapped in silence serene
Wishing this was a dream
But I know it's not
I know I'm caught

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