~~This Time It's Different by Evans Blue~~

Language Barriers?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Acrostic Assortment--V.2

So here we've got girls.....And yes...I am in love with the first one. The second is just a friend.

Sweetheart (also known as Emmy/Emily V)

Sweet and soft
Why won't you say you're mine?
Eternity I'll give to you
Emily my girl
Truth and love is something I'll give to you alone
Heart and soul I am yours
Emmy, say you love me
Always and forever
Racing heart and shortened breath; you know
That's the reaction I get from you

Amanda Dahl (Love you girl!)

Amazing and wondrous girl
Marvelous angel, don't you see that you're beautiful?
Always and forever I'm here
Never will I leave you
Don't you see
All the things I see?

Death won't keep me from being your friend
Always I want to be laughing with you
Home is where you are
Love is the fire that warms it

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